
Blue Community Makeover for Water Quality logo

The Go Blue! pilot project timeline has progressed at a very rapid pace since we first learned of the Clean Water grant possibility in October 2009.

Information will be updated here as it becomes available.

October 21, 2009 — Lake Management Plan for Diamond Lake approved by Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board. Objective number four includes encouraging activities homeowners can do to improve water quality.

November 11, 2009 — Watershed residents invited to attend information sessions via postcard mailing, email campaign, and flyers.

November 16 & 19, 2009 — Blue Community Makeover community information sessions

November 25, 2009 — Deadline for homeowners to indicate interest in participating in the 2010 Blue Community Makeover program.

December 1, 2009 — MCWD submittted grant application to BWSR for “Go Blue! Diamond Lake Community Makeover 2010”

January 28, 2010 — Board of Water and Soil Resources approves grant for the full amount requested, $224,224.

January 29 – present — Project team meets regularly and frequently to structure pilot project elements so that the parameters of the grant are met.

April 2-15 — Landscape Design Assistants visit participants’ property to develop Stormwater Management Plans.

April 13 — Rain Garden Workshop Part A at Pearl Park.
Everyone is invited (required attendance for project participants).
Cost: $10. Register at metroblooms.org.

May 1 — Rain Garden workshop Part A (in Longfellow)
Everyone is invited (last chance to complete required attendance for project participants).
Cost: $10. Register at metroblooms.org.

May 5 — Mandatory Meeting for Contractors
9:00 – 10:30 am. Minnehaha Creek Watershed District offices, 18202 Minnetonka Blvd, Deephaven. Lower Level meeting room.

This meeting is mandatory for any contractor wishing to work on projects eligible for reimbursement funds from Minnehaha Creek Watershed District.  Homeowners, who will be seeking bids on installations of raingardens, pervious pavement systems, and residential stormwater capture and re-use systems, will be given a list of contractors that have attended the meeting.  At the meeting, we will cover expectations for working on this project, including:
1)  General design specifications for each practice
2)  Expectations for shop drawing/plan submittals: we will have a list of specifications that need to be included so that we can properly review the plans and get the volume reduction and pollutant removal calculations that we need to report for the grant.
3)  Process for MCWD review of project plans
4)  Reimbursement process/timing
Contractors may contact MCWD staff:  Julie Westerlund at 952.471.0590 x209 or Renae Clark, 952-471-0590 x 209, with questions about the meeting.

May 5 — Project Priority Forms due from participants (note deadline extension). Get the form here.

May 6 — Last Date for registered participants to attend a required Raingarden Part A Workshop to remain eligible for participation.  Sign up at metroblooms.org

May 8 — Raingarden Workshop Part B at Pearl Park.
Everyone is invited to attend.
Cost: $10. Register at metroblooms.org.

May 10 — Mailing notifying registered participants of funding for first-choice projects was sent.

June 7-18 — Buildout!

June 18 — Celebration Event at Pearl Park, 4 – 7:00 pm

Go to Friends of Diamond Lake main site